Dicamba Updates


January 24, 2025

Frequently Asked Questions

IMPORTANT NOTICE: No dicamba herbicide has been approved for use in-crop with seed containing Roundup Ready® Xtend Technology for the 2025 spray season at this time. No dicamba herbicide may be used in-crop with this seed unless and until such use is approved or specifically permitted. For current approval statuses for in-crop dicamba use with this seed, call 1-844-RRXTEND or 1-866-99-BAYER, or contact the U.S. EPA or your state pesticide regulatory agency. Plants that are not tolerant to dicamba may be damaged or killed if exposed to dicamba herbicides.

The below FAQs cover Bayer's Plans for 2025 and beyond

What are Bayer's Plans for the 2025 season and beyond?

We stand fully behind our technology and believe growers should continue to have access to vital crop protection tools. In preparation for the 2025 season and beyond, Bayer made a new submission to the EPA to register a low volatility dicamba product for use with dicamba tolerant soy and cotton.

Bayer, grower groups, and others have expressed to the EPA the importance of a timely review so growers can have access as soon as possible.

It is important to note that any final product label approved by the EPA may be different than our current label proposal. We will continue to work with grower groups and customers while we seek a label that fits their needs.

The next steps in this registration process are up to the EPA.

When do you expect a decision from the EPA on this application?

Bayer submitted a product registration application to EPA for use of a low-volatility dicamba formulation in dicamba-tolerant soybean and cotton as an "additional food use" under the Pesticide Registration Improvement Act (PRIA) framework. This submission falls under PRIA Category R170, which assigns a final registration decision due date, referred to as a “Decision Review Time,” of 17 months for that category.

It is important to recognize that while the Decision Review Time establishes maximum deadlines under PRIA, it does not in any way prevent EPA from issuing a decision in a shorter time frame. EPA has discretion to accelerate pesticide registration decision-making, provided it meets applicable statutory and regulatory requirements for registration. Put another way, there is no statutory mandate obligating the EPA to hold its decision until the end of the Decision Review Time delineated by PRIA – and no “minimum” time for issuance of a pesticide registration decision.

What is Bayer's strategy going forward into 2025? Are you still confident in future label and chemistry approvals (i.e., HT4) that contain dicamba-tolerant traits?

From a regulatory perspective, both trait (i.e., XtendFlex trait) and herbicide (i.e., XtendiMax herbicide and any other low-volatility dicamba products) receive approvals as separate technologies.

Bayer stands fully behind our technology, including the seeds, traits, and XtendiMax herbicide. We are proud of our role in bringing innovations like these forward to help growers safely, successfully, and sustainably grow healthy crops. We will communicate more to you, as soon as we can.

Does the trait agreement for XtendFlex traits allow a grower to use a traditional formulation of dicamba (high volatility product) to be applied pre-emergent or in a burndown situation?

All pesticide applicators must apply all pesticides in accordance with the product label. Pesticide labels are legally binding, and all farmers and applicators are required by law to read and follow all pesticide product labeling.

Additionally, Bayer’s trait license (the Technology Stewardship Agreement, “TSA”) contains language obligating growers to use pesticides only according to their labels. This license is for all seed containing Bayer Technologies.​

Bayer’s Technology Use Guide (TUG) is incorporated into the TSA by its terms and has additional language regarding approved pesticide use according to label requirements.

To review the Bayer’s TUG, please visit Tug.Bayer.com.